Ready to use SAWO's passwordless Django Starter!

Ready to use SAWO's passwordless Django Starter!

No configurations , live in 3 commands.


Before going into the tutorial, let's first know what is SAWO.

SAWO is an authentication system that allows users to be onboarded without the need of passwords or one-time passwords, making the process simple, quick, and safe. SAWO employs a powerful cryptography-based authenticator that outperforms OTPs, passwords, and social logins.

In simple words , SAWO lets you add a authentication system that works without passwords or OTP.

In more simplar words, You must have seen login forms with username & password , now that's got old. Sawo vanishes that password field in a more safe, efficient & realible way.

In one line , Login without password.

Okay , so now come back to our tutorial.

What will you be getting?

A ready to plug starter Django project with SAWO's auth ready to use.


For instance, you may visit in any one of the below URLs.

Repo: Django sawo starter

Repl :

Get Started

Let me give you a brief intro of what we will be going through in this post.

Believe me after reading this post you will be able to integrate SAWO in Django with ease.


Python, Django installed on your machine and creating a virtual environment would be great!

Quick tip:

$ python -m venv env

$ source env/bin/activate


  • Create a account on sawo's dev console by visiting here.
  • Now create a project in your Sawo's dev console.


  • After creating a project , you will have these four things.


  • Set you hostname , for example let say for local testing set it as localhost, Avoid adding any port or protocol, otherwise it will not work!
  • Copy your API KEY for this tutorial.

Installing Sawo

Install the sawo package using python package manager.

pip install sawo

Import all the required methods which will come handy in our tutorial.

createTemplate, getContext, verifyToken

Now as instructed in the official sawo docs place this line


for example


This will create a directory in your django project, which then afterwards you may easily include into your app's templates.

Using below tag:

{% include "partials/_sawo.html" %}

The Plan

  • Importing all the basic methods from django & others important packages such as json etc.
  • Basic Class based views for authentication.
  • Sending & recieving the payload.
  • Verifying the JWT tokens at the backend side.
  • Registering URL Patterns.
  • Deploying the project on heroku & repl, yes both!

What are the goals

This app will act as a boilerplate app for your next Sawo django app. This is a ready to integrate project backed with the authentication part, which you may futher customize accordingly.

Getting things ready

Below are the steps to get it run live on your local server.

  • Clone this repo
git clone
  • Migrate to create the DB table for storing users into database.
python runserver
  • Add your API key in the .env file.
API_KEY = 76d8cca5-6b7e-4cb4-******
  • Test it live
python runserver

Great! Everything is ready to build your next web app in Django with passwordless authentication.

Things to note

You may add the host if you wanna deploy the app somewhere.


Replace __deployed_host__ with your own host.

Deploying on heroku


Create a account on heroku within a free tier.

Now visit Apps dashboard and create a app

You may either connect to your gitHub repo or may use Heroku CLI.

Now as you have the app with you , lets add the environment variables , again you may use Heroku CLI or directly add via the UI.


Fine ,Now everything is ready to run.

Deploying on Relp

Create a new repl by importing from github repo


Then create a .replt file and put the below:

language = "python3"
run = "bash main.bash"

Here we specify what to run in the console , like which commands.

Create a file with name main.bash

pip install -r requirements.txt
python runserver

Specifying a port on repl is a must in case of django.

Alternatevly you may just put the main command in run variable that is:

run="python runserver"

The reason for creating a bash file is that it will enable you to run multiple shell commands.

Create a pip packages lock file once

cat requirements.txt|xargs poetry add

This will create a poetry.lock file , with all your dependencies listed. Moreover, Poetry lock package is a simple tool to create a Python package from a Poetry project which pins down all the versions from the poetry. lock file as a dependency.



Repl :

This is how you can intgrate SAWO's passwordless authentication into your Django project.

If this helps then U , don't forget to give it a share!

Happy Hacking !